How do I know? Two never-fail signs:
1. My trash can was overflowing with boxes, paper, and 5,685 plastic ties used to hold toys in boxes. Why those toys are tied down like that I will never know. It's a cruel trick to drive parents crazy.
2. All the pants I own are a bit too tight. Someone needs to get these leftover cookies out of my kitchen. I also don't know how that entire bag of cherry cordial M&M's is almost gone. Clearly someone in this house has self-control issues.
I thought I would share a few pictures (ok...a lot of pictures) of our holiday decor and of our smiling faces before the new year and all. I work well under pressure. Nothing like a huge lit-up ball dropping to make you feel like you have to accomplish some things.
Bella got us all in the Christmas spirit by performing a Christmas tap dance at her dance school. Here she is doing a reindeer jump. Notice the height on that jump. She is a girl of many talents.
Bella and I made sugar cookies one evening. From SCRATCH. We used my Aunt Robin's delicious recipe. They were delicious. I was exhausted when we were done.
I was so pleased with our holiday decor. This is our second Christmas in this house and I really know how I like things to look now.
My Christmas card collection. I love it.
Bella and Papi check out her puppet from Europe.
Bella and Jason look at our picture calendar that is a Christmas tradition.
Words cannot express how proud I feel...
Christmas #2 was on December 23. Grandpa, Mimi, Bella, and Hayes were ready for gifts
Mimi and her sons and grandchildren.
A Belle doll that sings...doesn't get much better than that.
Christmas #3 was on December 24. Uncle Garry and Aunt Bitsey gave Hayes this car and he LOVES it.
Grandaddy gets something good.
We play Skip-Bo at every holiday. And as usual, "Team Grandaddy and Shene' " dominated. We won all of the partners games. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
Bella glued the final cotton ball onto Santa's beard. It was time for him to come!
We left cookies, milk, and a carrot for Rudolph. Bella also colored a picture for Santa.
Santa brought this girl a robe just like she asked for!
Hayes loved his Santa gifts too! Is he not adorable in those pajamas?!?
Christmas #4-We opened gifts on Christmas morning with my parents and one of my brothers.
Beatrice loved being in the middle of it all. Santa brought her a bone, which she took it out in about 10 minutes. She lives life to the fullest.
On Christmas night, we had Christmas #5 with my other brother and sister-in-law. We like to celebrate around here.
My fingers are tired from opening gifts on five different occasions, so I will simply close by wishing you a Happy New Year.
May your 2011 be filled with joy.